Monday, 15 February 2010


Tomorrow evening I'm leading part 3 of the 'Free for All' course at Queen's campus of Durham CU.

The session is all about sin and it's consequences - a sobering subject to look at! Here are three of the ways that I think we should react to hell:

1. Believe the gospel. Hell is real, it is terrifying, and it is fair. We should end up there, and it will be awful. God has provided a way to escape it, and we are fools to not accept it.
2. Be urgent in evangelism. The people we meet day to day have hell as a prospect before them. Hell! How can we care about them so little as to not tell them about it's reality, and point them to Jesus?
3. Praise God! Praise God that he takes sin seriously - imagine if he didn't! But praise him even more than rather than just leaving us with the sure prospect of hell, he chose to come to earth and endure his own punishment so we don't have to (remember who this is enduring the punishment, remember the scale of it, and remember how little he deserves it!) for our sins! Praise him for this glorious offer, love him and worship him for what he's done for you in his grace! You're not only free from hell but you can know this wonderful gracious God. Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

Lorna's Ark said...

Praise God for Jesus so those who believe do not have to face this awful but well deserved reality! And may God spur us on to tell the world!