This year I'm working 3 days a week as an Optometrist, then the other days I'm hoping to do some stuff with CUs, some stuff with church and then some studying. I've been looking into what I should study and there's an awful lot of stuff out there! So, I'm going to try to compile a list here (I feel I'm setting myself up for a lot of research in starting this post) of what I aim to look at over this year. I want to get a good balance so if there's anything you think I'm missing, or if you know of something better than what I've suggested, then do let me know! I don't fully understand the categories, so if I've got something in the wrong category, try not to judge me, and feel free to correct!
Biblical Theology
'According to Plan' by Graeme Goldsworthy
The Romans module from the Moore Correspondence course
'How to read the Bible for all it's worth' by Fee and Stuart (don't know where else to put this book!)
Systematic Theology
Grudem chapters:
4. The Authority of Scripture
5. The Inerrancy of Scripture
10. The Knowability of God
11. The Character of God: "Incommunicable" Attributes
16. God's Providence
18. Prayer
24. Sin
26. The Person of Christ
27. The Atonement
35. Conversion (Faith and Repentance)
36. Justification (Right Legal Standing Before God)
38. Growth In Likeness to Christ
41. Death and the Intermediate State
44. The Church: Its Nature, Its Marks and Its Purposes
'Knowing God' by JI Packer (read this when I was younger and loved it - I think I could do with another go!)
'A Call to Spiritual Reformation' by Don Carson
Church History
I've just read 'The Unquenchable Flame' by Mike Reeves
'The Story of the Church' by A.M.Renwick & A.M.Harman
plus one or two classics:
'The Bruised Reed' by Richard Sibbes
'The Mortification of Sin' by John Owen
'The Bondage of the Will' by Martin Luther
'The Case for Faith' by Lee Strobel
Not sure what else I'm going to do for this!
Christian Issues:
Grudem chapters:
32. Election and Reprobation
39. Baptism in and Filling With the Holy Spirit
47. Church Government
49. Baptism
50. The Lord's Supper
'Are miraculous gifts for today?' by Wayne Grudem (editor)
'Understanding Four Views on Baptism' by John H. Armstrong (I don't know anyone who has read this - have you? Any good?)
Alongside these I intend to attend (haha) the Teesocs course which is one saturday morning a month, ran by my pastor and a few other ministers in the Teesside area.
I know myself, and so I know how easy it will be to just be puffed up with knowledge, so my prayer is that this study will be a way to help me to know and love God and his people more.
This is an ambitious list I realise!
That is definitely ambitious, but I like it! :)
How about a proper Protestant Confession like the Westminster Confession of Faith? (since you're a baptist, maybe the London Baptist Confession of 1689?) It could go alongside your Systematic reading.
Apologetics... go for Bahnsen's "Always Ready" or Frame's "Apologetics to the Glory of God"; they operate from a theological foundation that you're more sympathetic to than Strobel
Thanks Zac, all good ideas! Have you read either of those apologetics books? Would you recommend one over the other?
How are you getting on with this?
Oh just amazing! Really getting through it!
I haven't actually started, but I am going to in about 10 mins!
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