Sunday, 2 May 2010


Can anyone recommend a good, shortish, sermon series on Philippians or Colossians that I could download to listen to with my one-to-one partner?


Zachary Wyse said...

Not sure of a specific series, but there are loads at monergism

peterdray said...

The series at Emmanuel Bristol is superb.

Unknown said...

Philippians in one go:

Colossians in one go:

Colossians series (found it very helpful)(may need to register, is free and much recommended!)

Anonymous said...

The Plant did a great sermon series on Philippians at the start of our times there, but I think you need to get in touch with them to get a copy... they don't seem to be online.

Scott Thomson said...

Thanks everyone - very useful. I'm going to use a combination of a couple from monergism to supplement the couple missing from the rest of the series at Emmanuel Bristol.

I'll also have a listen to that overview Aaron - thanks for pointing it out!

I thought I remembered that too Tim but I gave up on it when I couldn't see it on the website - how lazy! I think I'd like to listen to something new anyway, but thanks for the shout!