Monday, 19 April 2010

Remembering He's coming!

At #nwa10 I was challenged again to keep in my mind the fact that Jesus is coming. The depressing thing is that at New Word Alive last year I was also challenged about the exact same thing.

Last year I went to the 'The Shape Of Things To Come' talks by Graham Beynon, which were brilliant (get hold of them here). One of the things he suggested that we do, so we don't slip into forgetting again, is opening our diaries on a few random dates (or selecting them if you're with it and use an electronic diary!) and writing in it 'Today?'. It's a bit cheesy, but I've decided to do it this year. I hope it'll be a simple way of reminding me that Jesus is actually coming back, that it could be tomorrow, and that the fact of it should impact the way that I live.

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