Sunday, 29 March 2009

Grace at work

Three people who've been coming along to church and things we've been putting on as a church for a while have in the last month said they've become Christians. It is incredibly exciting!

Praise God, who said "let let shine out of darkness", that he has shone his light in their hearts so that they can see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus.

We were looking at Ephesians 2:1-10 at church this morning. Great to hear about this grace in action in the lives of unbelievers straight after the service! Whoop!

I wasn't expecting any of them. Is that good, bad or inconsequential? Should we expect people to become Christians when we share the gospel? We know that we are meant to share it, we know that only God can open blind eyes, and we know that we should pray. We know that people will react in different ways. And we know that the gospel is the power of God for salvation.

Perhaps expecting isn't right, just sharing, pleading and persuading, then hoping, praying and trusting God with the outcome?

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